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Swiss mobile phone operator

Here is a guide to help you better understand the main mobile phone operators in Switzerland. Easily compare the different mobile phone operators in Switzerland using our comparison calculator. We have provided you with a comparison of the best offers from Swiss mobile phone operators.

Wer sind die wichtigsten Schweizer Telefonanbieter ?

Der Schweizer Telefonmarkt wird von drei grossen Anbietern beherrscht: Swisscom, Sunrise und Salt. Diese dominieren den Markt in Bezug auf den Marktanteil, aber seit einigen Jahren sind virtuelle Anbieter hinzugekommen, die versuchen, den Schweizer Markt mit sehr interessanten Angeboten und Aktionen aufzumischen. Da sie die Netze von Swisscom, Sunrise oder Salt nutzen, steht die Signalqualität den etablierten Anbietern in nichts nach. Die besten Angebote für Mobiltelefone finden Sie oft bei diesen Anbietern, die sehr preisaggressiv sind.

Market shares of mobile operators in Switzerland

Swisscom dominates the Swiss telephone market with a market share of 56.7% at the end of 2020. With over 6,200,000 customers, Swisscom is the most important player in the Swiss telephone market. In second place is Sunrise with over 2,800,000 customers, with an increase in subscription sales in 2020. Finally, Salt is in third place with more than 1 800 000 customers at the end of December 2020, representing a market share of 15.3%.

Abo Swisscom

Swisscom is a historical player in Swiss telephony and has an excellent 4G network in Switzerland. Swisscom is also a leader in the development of 5G and has one of the best network coverage in Switzerland.

Abo Swisscom

As an established operator, Sunrise has its own 4G and 5G network. Coverage with 4G is excellent. With 5G, the network is still under construction and covers most major cities.

Abo Swisscom

Wingo uses Swisscom's 4G network. This virtual provider has offers for Switzerland and abroad. Wingo has no obligations and offers attractive discounts.

Abo Swisscom

Das Abo is a virtual phone operator offering affordable packages. It uses Salt's 4G network.

Abo Swisscom

Teleboy is a virtual operator offering more and more mobile phone tariffs at low prices. Teleboy offers 5G packages with the Sunrise mobile network.

Abo Swisscom

Salt was founded a few years ago by French industrialist Xavier Niel and has its own 4G and 5G network. Salt offers mobile subscriptions at very attractive prices.

Abo Swisscom

Yallo nutzt das Sunrise-Netzwerk. Dieser 100%ige Internetanbieter bietet regelmässig sehr interessante Angebote für Schweizer und internationale Pakete an.

Abo Swisscom

Talk Talk is a British provider that has been active in Switzerland for several years. The offers are very competitive and use Sunrise's 4G and 5G network.

Abo Swisscom

Lidl connect is a mobile telephony brand of the German Lidl group and is a low-cost mobile operator with very convenient offers. Lidl Connect uses Salt Mobile's 4G network.

Abo Swisscom

M-Budget Mobile is a Migros own brand. M-Budget uses the 4G network of Swisscom. It specialises in small and inexpensive mobile phone tariffs.

Which Swiss mobile provider will have the best network coverage in 2023?

This is a difficult question, because in the city all the main networks are the same. There are many connections that allow 4G or 5G everywhere. Of course, if you live in a building or a house with thick walls, the signal may be weaker and the operator cannot be held responsible. In the countryside, the situation is different. Although most of Switzerland is well covered by all mobile phone operators, there are areas of the country that are less well served by the 4G signal than others. This is especially true in mountainous regions, where the 4G signal may not be available.

Don't worry, most Swiss mobile operators such as Swisscom, Salt or Sunrise have coverage of more than 99% of the Swiss population and Swiss mobile networks are among the best in the world, both in terms of coverage and data rate performance. To find out the 4G or 5G signal quality where you live, simply go to the website of the mobile network operator you are interested in and look for the network coverage page, where you can see the exact signal quality on an interactive map. There is also the Nperf page, which compares the network coverage of the various Swiss mobile network operators.

It should be noted that Swisscom's 5G network has a slight advantage over competitors Salt and Sunrise. However, this gap should tend to narrow in the coming years. The willingness of operators to deploy 5G throughout Switzerland is strong and consumers are increasingly willing to use this technology.